Work With Me

I have been a nonfiction editor, writer, and teacher for over ten years and I would love to work with you!

My experience includes writing for publications like the Los Angeles Times, Electric Literature, and The Rumpus, teaching in the Creative Writing and English departments at University of California, Riverside and editing as the Senior Editor of Palm Springs Life Magazine and the Nonfiction Editor for Joyland Magazine.

I enjoy working with writers at all stages of their careers, but have a particular affinity for working with unpublished or newly published writers, particularly those who have a strong idea or voice, but aren’t quite sure where to go with it. I also specialize in helping guide writers back to their writing after months or years away.

Whatever stage you’re at, we can create a clearer path for you.

There are four ways you can work with me:

Writing Coaching

This is for writer’s looking for guidance, feedback, and a one-on-one thinking partner on works-in-progress. You submit up to 6,000 words at the beginning of the month and I go through and deeply edit, returning it to you within 10 days with a feedback letter. You review all of my notes and make edits and ask follow-up questions. I go back through and respond in a second pass. I will assign you different exercises throughout the month specific to your work. The month includes a 30-minute Zoom call at the start or end (up to you).

One-on-One Editing

Work with me to publish a piece in a specific publication. I help you with the development, editing, and pitching. Our shared goal is for the piece to be published.

Developmental Editing

Line by line edits and feedback on your completed work. My turnaround time is usually 3-4 weeks and includes a 2-3 page in-depth feedback letter as well as a 45-minute Zoom call to go over everything.

Nonfiction Book Proposal Development
I help you develop, edit, and complete your nonfiction book proposal. This includes two 30-minute Zoom calls.

To inquire about working with me, please fill out the form below: